Samsung Washer Won’t Drain. When your Samsung washer doesn’t drain, it can be fairly alarming to find your clothes sitting in water inside the washtub.
It might be because the washer isn’t level or there’s a blockage somewhere in the piping. Adjust the legs of your washer as needed, and check for obstructions in the system.
Blocked pipes can cause a Samsung washer not to drain by causing them to back up and for water to pool inside.
Samsung Washer Won’t Drain

In this guide, we’ll explain why your Samsung washer refuses to drain after a wash cycle and provide a few simple solutions to fix the problem.
Problems With Electricity
Electrical issues tend to be very stressful, especially when it comes to your washer. The best thing you can do is try contacting an appliance repair technician for advice before replacing the machine completely.
They are able to help troubleshoot issues with fuses or wiring, which may be leading your appliance to fail prematurely compared to other machines that are of a younger age.
If it seems like your washer has completely given up on you, then an appliance repair professional may suggest that you purchase a new machine rather than paying for costly repairs on one that’s not worth repairing at all.
Drain Hose Frozen Problem
If your washer is located in a space that stays cold, it’s possible that the drain hose has frozen. This can happen when temperatures get below freezing during the winter months.
To determine if this is the case, try disconnecting your drain hose from the washing machine and then rotating it manually with your hand. If you’re unable to rotate it, chances are that it is stuck and will need to be replaced with a new one.
In rare cases, you may be able to warm up and straighten out the drain hose, but at times some of them crack when they get too hot while also being too cold, which causes them to break on their own despite any attempt to un-freeze them on good terms.
Defective Pressure Switch
If a washer is overflowing, a faulty pressure switch could be to blame. If the washer is pushed past the recommended time limit, water will fill up in the drum and fail to shut off.
To avert this from happening again, it’s important to locate the pressure switch and replace it if it proves defective.
Your user’s manual will have specifications about finding the pressure switch and how to replace it appropriately for this particular brand of washer.
Controlling The Level Of Water
Some Samsung washing machines are susceptible to problems with water level control, just like other washer brands.
If the machine isn’t draining or it stops in the middle of a wash, there may be a problem with the washer’s water valve.
Make Sure the water-level valve is not corroded or leaking. The control panel on your machine. You can usually fix a clogged valve by pouring vinegar into it.
If the valve is corroded, you will need to purchase a new valve and replace it accordingly.
Drain Pump Issue
Sometimes you can accidentally catch small objects or articles of clothing in the drain pump. When this happens, most times, the item will get stuck underneath the pump and prevent it from running at its normal speed.
To determine if anything is blocking the downspout pump, remove the drain pipe that goes into the main drainage pipe.
You can then remove the clips that hold on to your sink’s spray head and lean it out over the trash bin so that everything in it can be removed easily.
If there are any materials blocking your pump, you can take these items out with tweezers or something like a fork nearby to clean them up (make sure not to use regular knives).
If the drain pump is clear of obstructions, but its noise is still an issue, replace your drain pipe in accordance to your local hardware store’s instructions.
Issuance of Coin Trap
Some washers are equipped with a coin trap. This feature is designed so the washer can sense problems when coins get stuck in it.
There should be an opening at the bottom to check for foreign objects when cleaning it. The coin trap must be cleaned periodically to ensure optimal efficiency.
If debris continues to accumulate in the coin trap, it will become clogged, and your device may not drain normally. Like most other appliances, if the machine won’t drain water out or isn’t draining properly, find out what’s causing it.
Solve the problem by cleaning all components that prevent water flow, including drains, filters, and screens that catch small objects like coins or pins.
The Water Pump Belt
Older washing machines can be tricky to figure out at times. If you have a washing machine with a belt and the belt is broken or worn out, your washer will not drain. Simply checking and replacing the belt as needed should solve this problem.
Door Assembly Malfunctions
As you probably already know, all Samsung washing machines have a safety feature to make sure the door stays latched. When your washing machine doesn’t drain water, it could be because of a problem with this locking mechanism.
Finally, Our Thoughts
Although this article covers the most common causes of a Samsung washer that won’t drain, there may be other reasons why it happens.
When you have tried the suggestions above and are still experiencing problems, contact a professional appliance repair specialist who will diagnose and fix your appliance.
Samsung Washer Won’t Drain
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