Kenmore washer won’t turn on. Whether it’s mid-day or the middle of the night, you can trust a Kenmore washer to be a dependable washing machine.
When you purchase a product like this one, made by Kenmore, you’re buying as much experience and expertise as you are a washing machine.
If you have owned your product for several years and it starts to malfunction unexpectedly, take these factors into consideration to help determine possible causes.
These were hers aren’t supposed to break down often but there are other factors in your home that could cause the issues with your equipment.
Kenmore washer won’t turn on
If you’re having trouble starting your washer, here are some things you can check to see if it’s an easy fix. First, disconnect the power cord and remove excess clothing or other items that are inside the washer. Then, plug in the power cord and try to start it again. If your washer still won’t start, try these additional suggestions:
The trouble with incoming power
The trouble with outlet and power Jack is feeling afraid because the power might not be working to the electrical outlet. Sometimes, there are reasons why this may happen such as the fuse is checking or there’s a problem with the circuit breaker.
If something goes wrong, an easy way to know what happened would be getting an electrician who should first use a tester before giving you an answer if something’s wrong or not with your electrical socket.
Failure of the line fuse
If the line fuse blows, then the washer won’t start up properly. To find out if the problem lies with the line fuse or something else, you can test it using a multimeter until there is continuity, which means that it should work properly.
If the fuse doesn’t have continuity or works improperly, then you need to replace it. You could also check for any issues that might cause this and determine whether it’s just something small like wire damage or a possible motor burnout etc., which would also help in getting your washer running again.
However, if this is not your problem and there is no short circuit within the washer itself, you might have more serious issues with your machine.
Defective Timer
Before replacing your washer’s faulty timer, first replace the circuit board, pump, and any other connected wires.
If the machine still fails to operate once the aforementioned has been replaced, then this is likely a sign of a faulty timer.
Faulty user control and display board
Press the buttons on the control panel to find out if the user control and display board are defective. It might be necessary to replace the control and display board if some buttons work but others do not.
Additionally, if the display is not working, make sure it has a steady supply of power. Replace it if it has power but does not work properly.
The issue with door locks
The lock on the washer door helps keep it shut during a wash cycle so that nothing will come in and disturb your loads of laundry. The door lock keeps the door secure, ensuring that it won’t open up for any reason during a wash cycle.
If the water can’t close properly, it could cause an excess of moisture in your laundry, making those clothes moldy and mildewed — you definitely don’t want that.
When you have a washer-related issue like an imperfectly-functioning door lock or broken switch, you’ll need to check out your washer’s wiring diagram as well as use a multi-tester to make sure everything is working as it should be with no issues whatsoever.
The power cord does not receive power
You will need a multimeter to test the power cord. Run the multimeter over the cord and look for electrical resistance.
If the multimeter display indicates anything other than zero, this means that power is passing through the cord, and there is something wrong with it.
Replace the power cord if it is not getting power. Otherwise, it’s likely that there are other problems with your washing machine.
Thermal Fuse problem
If the washer overheats, the thermal fuse may blow. If the line fuse blows, the piece of equipment will not start working. First, test for continuity in order to see if the thermal fuse is at fault.
If it doesn’t have continuity, replace it. However, resolve the problem that caused it to burn out in order to prevent this from happening again.
If you don’t resolve the underlying issue, you won’t be able to depend on having a brand new fuse protecting your home appliances.
An issue with the Main Control Board
The main control board might be faulty, but the most common cause for this symptom being experienced is a part that over-reacts to something unexpected.
Before replacing the main control board, first, check all of the things you usually find as culprits in situations like this.
Kenmore washer won’t turn on
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