How To Get Sour Smell Out Of Clothes

How To Get Sour Smell Out Of Clothes. There’s nothing worse than that sour smell that develops in some of our clothes when left untouched for too long.

Not only does this smell stay in your clothes, but it also leaves a foul odor in the closet where you store them.

This article will discuss the causes, preventions, and the best ways to get rid of the sour smell from your clothes so that they come out clean and smell good every time.

How To Get Sour Smell Out Of Clothessour smell out of clothes

Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your regular laundry detergent. The baking soda will absorb the sour smell. Pour two cups of white vinegar into the washing machine during the rinse cycle.

Here we discuss how to get a sour smell out of clothes.

Use Vinegar To Wash Your Clothes

To ensure that your clothes do not have any musty odors, add one cup of pure white vinegar without adding detergent to the washing machine. Wash the items as soon as they are done.

Even if the water in your washing machine is hot, it may not be hot enough to sanitize them from bacteria and grime which could bring about a musty odor to grow.

The acetic acid in the vinegar will help break up any bacteria or grime from accumulating on your clothing and also assist with removing any mildew or mustiness that has begun to grow.

Using Hot Water

It’s generally agreed that hot water is most effective at removing any foul smells because the heat will kill off any of the bacteria that might otherwise be causing your laundry to smell.

If you’re experiencing sour-smelling clothes, it’s best to rewash them with hot water in order to stop the odor and further the chances that bacteria taking root on your clothing if you’re not careful.

Since bacteria tend to cause overpowering odors, it can sometimes be difficult to get rid of both smells and bacteria when washing one’s clothes.

But don’t worry, as long as you stick with your daily routine, eventually everything should turn out just fine. If, however, there isn’t too much really bad-smelling buildup from before, then that should work.

Under The Sun, Dry Clothes

After rewashing your sour-smelling clothes, remove them from the washer right away and either hang them to dry outside in the sun or place the dryer on the highest resetting recommended for the fabric type in question.

Sunlight has disinfectant properties that can help kill any remaining bacteria in the laundry while drying outside also has the added benefit of acting as a natural bleaching agent.

Using Baking Soda

Aside from vinegar, you can also use baking soda to get rid of the sour smell. This is a well-known natural way to help your laundry load the washing machine with clothing that has or still smells like sour milk in it and sprinkle one cup of baking soda into the drum of your washing machine.

Use the hottest setting for washing on your washer when dealing with this task. As an alkali, like vinegar, baking soda will work by neutralizing any remaining odors in an effort to leave your laundry smelling as fresh and clean as possible.


Is vinegar going to stain clothes?

White vinegar is a great stain remover, but be careful using it. Even though there are many other varieties of vinegar in the world.

Including red wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar, people should be warned that when using them carelessly it may cause stains if used on clothing, upholstery, and carpets.

You shouldn’t leave the acidic substance long enough to soak into fibers because it will set permanently.

When I sweat, why do my shirts smell sour?

Putting damp clothes straight into the wardrobe or leaving them in a hamper can lead to unwanted odors in your clothing. ‘

Dark places such as wardrobes and laundry baskets let stains set, making them much harder to take care of later it’s ideal to hang up clothing as soon as possible after being worn.

It is especially important not to leave sweaty clothes lying around; bacteria start breeding almost immediately and leave an intense odor quickly.

How To Get Sour Smell Out Of Clothes

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