How to get rid of horse flies

How to get rid of horse flies. Horseflies are the most vicious blood-sucking pests with razor-sharp scissor-like jaws.

Unlike typical flies or mosquitoes, horse flies (particularly female ones) go straight to biting mammals and sucking up the blood.

This makes them a huge menace around animals. Below we will teach you how to identify these irritating pests fast. Once you come to know your enemy, you will be ready to start battling it.

In this post, I will also enlighten you on how to get rid of horseflies and significantly reduce their population by using a variety of methods. So read on and arm yourself with knowledge.

How to get rid of horse flies

how to get rid of horse flies

Allow me to buck the trend, but please don’t exterminate a common horsefly.

There are no restrictions on eliminating these creepy gardening pests as they do not have protected status in any given country on Earth.

They often make their homes in protected areas, which means that it may not pose a significant environmental impact if you likewise removed them from there.

Attached are a few ways one may take care of these pesky insects:

Check for Horse Fly infestations

Now that you’ve seen the disposal of horse flies, it’s time for you to think about how to deal with your specific situation.

You’ll want to identify where they are an issue and whether it is worth devoting serious effort into a more organized approach rather than just killing them off on the surface level.

Where do they like gathering? Which areas have higher concentrations of horse flies in particular? Focus on these things and then make a decision over what form of control measures might be best to adopt in order to make some progress.

The Best Horse Fly Control Option

the best horse fly control option

You can make your own traps, which might seem very simple but really amount to two major varieties.

Trap systems using bait that lures pests and sticky glue traps, which are usually filled with food and left for the insects to consume and get stuck in place.

The container trap: Using a tripod that stands about five feet tall and weighs enough for the base to remain firmly in place at all times, creates a funnel with its opening facing upward.

Secure an empty plastic bottle by taping it upside-down to the mouth of the funnel’s opening using masking tape or any other heavy-duty adhesive tape.

Cover the base of your structure so that when someone looks at it they can’t see any part of the bottle or tripod structure but just your black backdrop with its hanging little ball (this will serve as a target for practicing shots).

Make sure you allow two feet of clearance between the top surface and ground to make sure no one standing too close is hit by your concentrated shot.

Traps with sticky surfaces: Wouldn’t it suck if you had a swarm of flies in your house and you couldn’t find them a way out?.

It wouldn’t be the first time that someone use flypaper to lure these pesky insects away from certain locations within their space.

If you’re looking for an alternative but still an effective way of getting rid of an infestation try using a variation on the Manning trap.

Find yourself an old stool, wrap some straw around its legs lightly, suspend it from the ceiling (or any other stable surface) and hang a dark ball underneath.

Use Chemical Sprays

Use insecticides.  If you’ve come across a severe horsefly problem, you can try a variety of chemicals to eradicate blood-hungry pests.

Pyrethroids, organophosphates, and organochlorines are among your best options in this respect.

Spray the insecticide all over your barn (except for where your animals’ water and feed buckets are located).

Do not forget to adhere to the instructions on the packaging and remove your livestock from the barn prior to using the spray. Avoid throwing insecticides into ponds or rivers, for they will poison the whole area.

Attempt Home Remedies

Have you ever wondered what ways are there to keep horseflies away from your horse while they’re out grazing?.

Well, if you have never tried this before, here are a few homemade and more natural remedies on how to repel them with the use of garlic, vinegar, DIY repellents, and essential oils.

But what about humans? If you want to know more about you can protect yourself from horse flies when you’re out in their vicinity, here’s one DIY remedy that uses items already lying around.

The Best Way to Keep Horse Flies Away

Prevention is the best method when dealing with pests around the house. Keeping it extremely clean at all times can help fight off various bug invaders.

But if you want to get a bit more specific, horse flies really don’t like smoke, so burning candles or incense around your home can definitely be an efficient and surprising way to keep that pesky horse flies at bay.

Citronella candles will also deter other biting insects. If you have livestock such as horses, consider covering your pond or pasture during the height of the season when their populations are highest.

Install light traps as well to attract any bugs that decide to hang around your pool area. Use dryer sheets whenever possible so as to prevent horse flies from eating or biting you. There are many ways you can use dryer sheets for this purpose.

How to get rid of horse flies

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