Homelite blower won’t start

Homelite blower won’t start. The problem with your Homelite blower not starting is caused by either the spark or the gas.

It could be that you’ve got a bad spark plug and need to replace it, but it also could be that you have a blockage in your gas line.

In this case you may have no choice but to call for repair and beautification services from a professional.

This is why I would recommend trying to find out what the real issue is before taking any drastic

measures like buying new replacement parts made by other brands of product managers because this might turn out to be a more expensive solution than what is really necessary.

Homelite blower won’t start

homelite blower won't start

Here are some typical causes of a Homelite blower not starting, and we will explore how to resolve these issues in this post.

Defective Spark Plug

Look for signs of wear or damage on the spark plug. Replacing a spark plug is the best solution if the porcelain insulator is cracked or damaged or if heavy carbon is accumulating at the electrode.

Before deciding to replace it, you should use a spark plug tester to check whether there’s a problem with your sparkplug.

To do this, attach the spark plug wire to a battery and see if it causes some sort of charge in the tester when you turn on the engine.

If there’s no charge and/or there isn’t a strong enough spark you’ll have to either consider replacing it or trying cleaning it up on your own before eventually opting for replacement.

Clogged Carburetor and Carburetor Repair Kit

Sometimes when we try to start up our big leaf blower, it won’t turn on right away. This can be irritating when we need to clear a storm fence or blow off the patio.

By leaving fuel in the back of the leaf blower for a long time, the carburetor might become clogged.

A thicker, stickier substance may result from the evaporation of some of the ingredients in the fuel over the course of time.

Fuel that is sticky can clog the carburetor, making it impossible to start the engine.

If your carburetor is clogged, you can try cleaning it with carburetor cleaner but if that doesn’t work then something else might be wrong, so you need to rebuild or replace your entire carburetor.

Faulty Ignition Coil

Your blower will not start if there is no power getting to the spark plugs. Before replacing a bad ignition coil, make sure all other components work.

Test that the spark plug is functional or replace it, as well. If you confirm that the problem has been eliminated by either of these two solutions, test out your ignition coil to see if it is still faulty. Once you know for sure, you can replace it accordingly.

Replace Air Filter

The air filter may be clogged. This will cause your engine to run out of air and run out of fuel. As a result, your engine may not start.

To correct this problem, it might be best to replace the air filter and get a more comfortable ride again on your blower.

Dirty fuel filter

The fuel filter might be clogged. This could happen if the fuel in the leaf blower was leftover from

the previous usage and some of the ingredients evaporated or evaporated, leaving behind a thicker, stickier substance that could clog up the fuel filter.

If this is the problem, remove old fuel from the leaf blower’s fuel tank and then remove and clean out the area where the fuel filters are located to prevent this from happening again.

Spark Arrestor issue

A spark arrestor is a small circular metal piece that covers the end of an engine. Sparks are not expelled from running engines because this part prevents them from doing so.

Over time, especially if you have a diesel engine (compared to a gasoline engine), this part can become clogged with soot.

If the spark arrestor becomes clogged, then the engine may not start up properly and won’t run properly because of it.

To fix this problem, check your owner’s manual for how to remove and clean your spark arrestor using wire brushes or replace it completely.

Recoil starter assembly is not working properly

The recoil starter assembly is the part of the leaf blower that is responsible for turning over the engine and engaging it with the drive mechanism.

If this part is defective, you could have trouble when starting up the engine.

To work out if this part needs replacing, simply remove the recoil starter and inspect it to see whether it’s faulty or not.

What you need to do here is test whether or not, when you pull on the starter rope,

long strips extend from either side of a small device known as a pulley. These will click into place onto a secure point on your engine in order to keep spinning.

Then when you let go of this rope, you can check whether or not these small strips retract back where they came from so that the rope winds back onto itself whilst protecting it from excessive wear or damage.

The rewind spring might be broken

The rewind spring might be broken when the starter rope in your blower is pulled and given momentum. This particular spring allows the starter rope to recoil onto a pulley unhindered by anything.

If the rewind spring is broken, your ability to start up your blower will be limited, to say the least,

because it will simply not be possible for you to pull any kind of lever without releasing the rope from its current state.

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