How To Remove Dried Paint From Brick

How To Remove Dried Paint From Brick. Lurking behind that paint may actually be a beautiful brick fireplace or wall.

Although the person who painted it had quite a vision of what it might look like, now it’s your dream to remove that paint from the brick.

A little research and some elbow grease are all you need to try stripping paint from brick in small applications such as interior walls and fireplaces to restore them back to near-original condition.

How To Remove Dried Paint From Brickremove dried paint from brick

A masonry paint stripper for the best results should be of the paste form if layers are applied.

We recommend Sunnyside’s Multi-Strip Advanced Paint and Varnish Remover because it is methylene chloride free and guarantees removal of the product from both masonry surfaces and hard floorings such as tiles, paving, or concrete which may bear traces of previous coats if not fully targeted during a masonry paint removal job.

Take A Test

Testing the brick with the paint stripper is the first step in removing paint from brick. To test your putty, choose a low wall or a section of 3-4 bricks in a corner that aren’t focal, and grab yourself your putty knife and some material. Cover that area with stripper material and then with plastic sheeting.

Wait for about 30 minutes, and then attempt to remove the sheeting. Any other result means that you ought to try another brand of paint stripper. Your goal is to remove paint from your test area as completely as possible.

Cleaning And Preparing

Make sure the area is thoroughly cleaned before applying your stripper. Put your rag in a pail of lukewarm water, then use it to work the water into the brick.

If it’s outdoors, use a garden hose if you have easy access to one. Remove any flaking paint from the brick by scraping lightly with a metal putty knife, or wire brush, before you begin harder work.

It’s not crucial to pre-wash your brick before you strip it, though it does help the job go much more smoothly.

After you’re done rinsing off the brick, let it dry for at least 12 hours in order to ensure that it’s properly dried. The final step in preparation for stripping the brick is that you place a drop cloth below the work area.

This will catch paint remnants and other debris as you chip away at it, so tape down your cloth if there’s any chance of a breeze making it flap around while you’re painting.

Gear For Protection

It’s a good idea to work on your project in well-ventilated areas as this will help you remain more alert, attentive, and awake throughout the day.

Your basic protective gear should include the following: a Long-sleeved shirt and/or long pants, Goggles, Facemask or respirator, and Work gloves.

To Apply

Get your plastic sheeting and paint stripper ready. Have your putty knife at hand because that’s the way to scoop out liquid paint stripper if you’re using this chemical for removing old paint from bricks.

Smear it over the painted brick areas as close to the way you spread peanut butter on top of bread slices.

Be precise with your efforts to make sure that smearing doesn’t happen so quickly that places of interest end up losing a lot of peeling paint before you wrap them in plastic, which is where most people go wrong when they find themselves in this situation.

It might be an idea to cut your plastic sheeting into 3ft. squares to save time cutting and taping pieces down later.


Allow the paint remover to soak into the brick for 30 minutes. After this time has elapsed, begin to carefully remove the plastic covering. The paint and paint stripper should also be removed all at once.

Before you take off the plastic covering, make sure that any tools you’ve been using are put away first so they don’t get caught in the removal effort.

Once most of it is off, use your putty knife to scrape off any minor areas with solidified paint or stripper; repeat as necessary.


Can you remove the painted brick with WD-40?

Yes, WD-40 can remove paint from bricks. Spray WD-40 over the paint and wipe it off. Repeat if necessary, and use a hard brush to clean obstinate stains.

Is vinegar effective at removing dried paint?

Yes, vinegar can remove both water-based and oil-based paint from surfaces. And it’s often a better solution than some other methods because it’s safe around people and animals whereas chemicals that dissolve paint are sometimes harsh or toxic substances.

And since vinegar is a natural substance and an inexpensive item to have on hand, it’s a great alternative to more costly products that need to be bought regularly at the store.

How To Remove Dried Paint From Brick

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